Sunday 26 July 2015

Gone Girl

Gone Girl - The movie

Wow, watched the movie last night and the one thing that popped out in the end was "Gone Girl is a crazy new level of mindf***".

Damn, I watched it late at night and went to sleep but I couldn't. I was just lying there pondering about the story and the incidents and such. According to me, if any movie makes you think about it, makes you use your brain to wonder about it after you watch the movie, then it is a good movie. That means you haven't just wasted your time on nothing.

I know it's a thriller and all and that it's not exactly a horror movie. But the movie got me scared. Whoa, that's what kept me awake for a long time. The fact that it is possible in real life scared me a lot.

I know it's adapted from a novel and I am thinking the novel will be even more scarier because a lot of the context will be left to our imagination and I will imagine the worst thing almost every time.

I like Ben Affleck and he did suit the role well (though I have huge doubts about him "suiting" a "certain  role"). I should say I liked Argo better. Don't know why exactly, maybe because of the length of the movie. Gone Girl is a tad too long.

Rosamund Pike - the perfect match. She was absolutely perfect as Amy Dunne.

They did not use Neil Patrick Harris well enough, I mean we all know what he is capable of, our beloved Barney.

Overall good job by David Fincher, the cast and yes the screenplay was awesome!

I'd recommend y'all to watch it once.

p.s I was very careful not to give away any spoilers, so there's not much detailed description

Thursday 23 July 2015

Happy Birthday Loverrrrrr :*

Happy Birthday Loverrrrr :*

Today is the birthday of my first love. Whom, you ask? He's none other than the boy wizard who slowly but steadily crept into my heart and now he has a  permanent space in there, forever!

You haven't found the answer yet? Any of you? Any guesses?

Well I ain't gonna give you guys a prize or something for getting it right. Yup, Yuppitty yup yup it is Daniel Radcliffe.

For the ones who have no idea who he is, he is "Harry Potter" and if there's anyone who doesn't know who Harry Potter is, sorry can't help ya. Maybe you don't have anything to read here. You can just skip this.

Damn, Dan is 26!! He seems so older, more mature all of a sudden..

Nay! He will always be the little kid we all grew up with. The one neighbor we've watched out of our windows(TV, Computer, Mobile, etc.) or the one who lived across from us for an hour or two(Theatre/Cinema however you call the movies). We have traveled with him to Surrey, Diagon Alley, Kingscross Station, Hogwarts and many more places.

He will always be the first crush/love for a whole lot of us. Yeah, I know that there are a lot of you out in the world.

I can never imagine anyone else playing the role of Harry Potter. It is almost like he was born to play Harry.

Dude, I'd binge watch the HP movies any day just for you. I don't deny that I am a big ol' Potterhead. Just saying.

I watched the movie "Kill your Darlings" just for my man Dan! (yay, that rhymed xD)
I can swear to that. I watched the movie on YouTube on my mobile. My arms hurt an awful lot, it did not matter.

Dan! If you ever stop acting luv, become a rapper. Man, you have got some mad skills at that.

All things said, there is only one thing left to say right now..

I Love You Daniel Radcliffe!! Will you marry me??

xD nah man!!! It's cool. Just Kidding xD xD
There are obvious height issues you see :P

Seriously though, Love you :*

Happy Birthday :) :)