Monday 31 December 2012

Buh bye 2012.. Hiiya 2013 ;)

The year 2012 is gone(totally! until someone really invents time travel). All the good and the bad that happened in the year are already travelling in the memory lane to the back of our mind, as we are getting ready to welcome the new year. What 2013 has in store for us, we never know.. Until its 31st Dec 2013!

Whatever comes your way, accept it with a smile. There are great advantages when you are always smiling. Am not gonna bore you about the usual positives that so many muscles are used and blah blah.. These are new and are great too! Well, atleast I always thought so..

*People might think you are crazy, whacko and mental and you can easily escape from whatever they say ;)
*Your eyes become very small and you won't be able to see anything properly. This way you won't be able to identify imperfections and your life will never turn miserable.

I know what you are thinking, if smiling gives us such nice benefits then laughing must be better?!
Oh yeah, of course it IS much better. For one instance if you en-roll yourself in a laughter club and laugh your nose off in a public place, its not only you at the receiving end of the benefits but also others who have a great laughter marathon after watching you. See you end up doing social service!

Well, if I managed to slightly curve both the sides of your mouth upwards after reading this then yay!! Its time  to celebrate!! After all its The New Year.. Happy New Year folks :)

p.s If you are frowning, then am not responsible for your pre-mature ageing problems :P

And thanks for those websites I took the images from. Happy New Year to you too!!

Friday 21 December 2012

Rain soaked window

The world in itself looks more beautiful when we look through the rain soaked panes. To quote my own Facebook status I put up once "Rain is the best make-up artist! Who else makes those puddles on the road, half built dirty buildings and even the rusty electric cables look beautiful?! Only the rain soaked window panes!!" So here we are folks, am gonna try to present what's out there in a beautiful manner. Let the journey begin!!

And what?! er.. Today ?!?!?

huh huh ha =D

Yep! When's better than the Doom's day itself to start my blog =)

Hope you all have fun..